
Bike & Pedestrian Counts in Durango

By: Amber K. Blake
Multi-Modal Coordinator - City of Durango

We will be participating in the National Documentation Project and our data will go into the national database and will serve as baseline counts to help us discern what kind of impact our future improvements to the system have on mode shift, this will effect funding, project priority and more!For more information on the methodology and the project please see the website: http://www.bikepeddocumentation.org/

I am writing to you because I need your help to conduct Bike/Ped Counts for Durango.
The counts will take place on September 8-10, 12 & 13. We will have 8 - 10 locations and will need volunteers for each location for 2 hour shifts. That’s 120 Volunteers!

What the volunteers will need to do:
1. Attend a training session (approximately 40 minutes). I will host at least 3 sessions.
2. Volunteer for at least one 2 hour block of time.
3. Attend the Celebratory Party in their honor (plans are in the works)

What I need from you:
1. Promote this event
2. Recruit Volunteers
3. Help fund the project or donate
· t-shirts for the volunteers
· raffle prizes for the party

I have set up a doodle account for volunteers to register for times they are available for training and counting.
Training Calendar: http://doodle.com/ygrvkmekeriayeqs
Count Schedule: http://doodle.com/xukcvkngbnmp6tk9

If you need more information or have any ideas to make this count more successful please let me know.


Amber K. Blake
Multi-Modal Coordinator - City of Durango