
Gail Smith

Gail had a bit of a bike crash on Saturday (10/29/11) west of Mancos, on Hwy 160. 

Tues Eve 11/15/11
Gail and I wish to express our thanks for the well wishes, cards, and prayers. Gail continues to heal and will be home for Thanksgiving. We are now looking forward to getting our lives back to normal but we still have another month or so of no weight on the right leg, routine physical therapy and further recover from the knock on the head. Still another month for the brain to fully heal from the bruise and get past the headaches and sleepiness. She is looking forward to returning to work after Christmas. We will be doing allot of spin classes over the winter along with some lifting to get her back in shape although I'm not sure about her return to cycling. She is planning a 1/2 marathon as her big come back with our daughter, Michelle.